The Circle of Life for Job Search
CareerAlleyThis past week, two former co-workers wrote to let me know they are out of work and looking for a new job (you know, networking). Also last week, two current co-workers resigned (having found new jobs). Last week also had a few announcements that several companies were expecting to reduce staff over the next few months. The counterpoint to that bit of news is all of the new jobs that have been posted on job search sites. While unemployment remains stubbornly high, new jobs are being created every day. Not to say it's easy to find a new job, but there are jobs to be had. So much of job search depends on being in the right place at the right time (as well as who you know and being qualified). You can't be everywhere, but you can increase your chances of finding a job by using all job search avenues (networking, job search boards, recruiters and company career sites to name a few). Today's post is all about Job Search Boards.
- Confidently - This is a new job search board which focuses on jobs for college students and recent grads. The main page has a short presentation that provides an overview of the service. The site has entry level jobs and internships posted by employers. The top right hand side of the screen has a job search box (type in your job title and city and select Go). Once you've searched for jobs, there is an advanced job search tool on the right hand side of the page. While you can see the details on specific job opportunities, you will need to join if you want to apply for the job. If you want to give it a try for free, Confidently has provided a free trial account for CareerAlley readers. Go to the main Confidently page, click login on the right hand side of the page and enter careeralley as both the username and password. After trying the CareerAlley trial account, you can create your own account for a one-time lifetime membership fee of $7.99 with a 30-day money back guarantee.
- Expat Careers - This is a job search site for expatriates (and those that want to be expatriates) and is a full service search site. There are drop-downs at the top for Job Seekers, Helpful Resources and Visa & Immigration. There a section to do an Expat Job Search center page, followed by Expat Articles, Career Services (cover letters, resumes, etc.) and a section for employers to post jobs. The Job Seekers drop-down has everything you need - from career services, post resume to jobs (arranged a few different ways). If you are looking for an expat job, this is a great place to start your search.
- Retail Jobs Report - If you are looking for a retail or restaurant job, this is the site for you. There are tabs at the top for Search Retail Jobs, Retail Professionals, Restaurant Professionals, Part Time Jobs and more. Center page is a list of articles, with lots of great information. Retail Jobs provides a drop down list by city. Click any city to link to a detailed page on that city. The Retail and Restaurant pages link to detailed pages for those careers. There is lots of information and resources you can use on this page for your job search.
- The Top 10 Other Job Web Sites for Job-Seekers –‘s list of the top 10 job search boards. 10 is probably a good number to start, but you will most likely want to make a smaller list if you are to have any time to use some of the other job search resources. There are embedded links to each of the sites. Another great job search site, there are tons of resources on Quintcareers and definitely worth your time reviewing these as well.
- The Riley Guide – “Providing free career and employment information since February 1994.” is the tag line for this very well known and respected job search site. There is a wealth of information here, and you could spend days just reading through all of the information. So, where to start? There is a very helpful “Navigating the Guide” list on the left hand side of the page. From how to job search to research and target employers, this is the place to get started.
Good luck in your search.
Article courtesy of the Recruiting Blogswap, a content exchange service sponsored by, a leading site for college students looking for internships and recent graduates searching for entry level jobs and other career opportunities.
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