Sunday, June 12


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___ Did you get another person to proofread your resume for spelling errors, missing words and proper grammar?
___ Is your use of white space and the overall appearance of your resume uncluttered and visually appealing?
___ Did the style of your resume (headings, indentations, underlinings, etc.) remain consistent?
___ Does your resume have at least one inch margins on all sides of the page?
___ Did you get your resume printed on high quality paper of a light, neutral color?
___ Considering your experience and education, is the length of your resume appropriate?
___ Did you read and re-read each statement to make sure it is concise, action-oriented and credible?
___ Are all statement written to express the benefits you can offer a prospective employer?


___ Did you quantify statements that might at first seem unbelievable? Are your statements convincing?
___ Did you use short, punchy sentences with action-oriented words?
___ If you decided to include an objective, is it clear and concise?
___ Did you delete all irrelevant information that might make a prospective employer stop reading?
___ Does your education section highlight your academic background without going into too much detail?
___ Did you include a current address and telephone number where employers can reach you?
___ Does the overall effect of your resume reflect a positive image of you and your skills and abilities?
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